

and Reports



Here you will find Katy's recent analyses and reports. To review, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader on your device. If you don't have Acrobat, you may download it for free by following this link


Download Katy's Report for Minister of Education
A Rationale for Change
Analysis of the Competence Based Curriculum
- for Lower Primary -
Mathematics, Kinyarwanda and English
As Requested by the Honourable Minister for Education, Dr Eugene Mutimura
Adobe Acrobat Document 649.9 KB
Teaching and Learning English in Rwanda's Primary Schools
Katy Allen-Mtui Presents An Overview with Options for Consideration
REB Report 2018.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.9 MB
Analysis of English Textbooks for P-1
English Textbooks for P-1 and the New Competence Based Curriculum
Adobe Acrobat Document 1'004.3 KB
Analysis of English Textbooks for P4 & P5
English Textbooks for P4 & P5 from East African Educational Publishers
and Oxford University Press and the New Competence Based Curriculum
An analysis by
Katy Allen-Mtui MBE
Damian Ntaganzwa
Ivan Kayonga
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB
Analysis of Textbook Errors
English Textbook for P5 from Imena Publishers
First edition 2017
An analysis of errors by
Katy Allen-Mtui MBE
Damian Ntaganzwa
Ivan Kayonga
Adobe Acrobat Document 782.1 KB

Katy's Story
Katy Allen-Mtui's quarter of a century in Rwanda and Tanzania.
Adobe Acrobat Document 10.8 MB

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